Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Babies! Yes babies, not exactly human but still babies. Baby birds! We have had baby chickadees, rose breasted grose beaks, Chirping sparrows, and possibly a cat bird. Almost all we have seen at the feeder, excepting the cat bird, and all are adorable and all are tiny , excepting the rose breasted grose beak. Yes so to share my joy and show you how cute they are a have some pictures below.


This little guy we saw first and I have to say is my favorite. He has grown since we first saw him , he was about the size of a hummingbird, and now is hard to identify form the parents , but he/she is still a baby so we do.

Rose Breasted Grose Beak:

This little guy , though you can barely call him little, we saw second. He is kinda funny looking because he is a big bird but still has downy feathers. He/she and his/her mother are always exiting to see because of there size.

Chirping Sparrow:

This is an interesting little bird. His/her parents are tinny , only about 4in long yet they will chase other birds away from the feeder. So I always got made when they chased off cool birds like the Rose Breasted Grose Beak , Indigo Bunting , American gold finch .
Then they brought the baby, and I knew that they were just trying to keep the baby safe.

Yes soon to come Baby robins:

Yes we have a robins nest out in one if the trees.......... so ........... Baby Robins! At first we thought it was a cat bird nest but then a robin sat i it. So babies we are waiting for you.

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